Xmarks has a service that allows you to sync your bookmarks across browsers. There are built-in options now to sync bookmarks within a browser, but not across browsers. So Xmarks has been filling the gap for a while.
Unfortunately I have been having issues for a very long time (many many months) getting it to work on Safari. Because I don’t use Safari that frequently, (I prefer Firefox primarily because of an indispensable web development addon called Firebug), I have not been super aggressive with getting the issue fixed. I have gone back and forth about 10 times at least with Xmarks, now owned by LastPass, and never received any productive help.
Today, I changed something that seems to have made all of the difference. I realized that I have to login with my email address and not my Username – even though the login box says “Username or email address” – that is not the case, at least not with me. When I try to login with my username, it does not login, but when I login with my email address, it does.
More details: I am on a Mac, now running Lion but two weeks ago was running Tiger and can only assume it was the same issue there. To set preferences for logging into safari, you would open System Preferences and go to the Xmarks tab. From there, on the General tab, there is a button to “Change login”. Use that button to enter your EMAIL ADDRESS and password. Try now. For me, that worked.
What were the symptoms? I had Xmarks working fine on Firefox, but not on Safari. Everytime it tried to sync, it would just give the logging in… pop-up for a long time and eventually would say something like, “Sync Failed” – even though it was not really the sync, it was more accurately that it just could not login.
Hope this helps someone. If it does, feel free to share below.
6 thoughts on “Xmarks Failed Login and Sync Problem Resolved”
I was struggling with this issue for while. Thank you very much for your tip. It is working like a charm now 🙂
this solved the sync error i have out of the blue, thanks!
Worked for me too. Thank you! This has been bugging me for months.
Worked for me as well. Thanks! Sheesh…so simple.
This TOTALLY worked!!! It’s been bugging me forever! So thank you!!
Glad it worked. It had been bugging me forever also.