How to Export a Custom Size in Sketch

I am a web designer in Napa, CA. I use the Sketch App to design websites. Recently I created a graphic that turned out to be a little smaller than I wanted when I was done.  So I wanted to export it from sketch at a size several pixels larger than I had created it.

Is that possible with Sketch 3?  Yes.  Here is how, with a solution to what tripped me up when doing so.

The Steps

  1. Select what you want to export, a layer, a group, whatever.
  2. Click “Make Exportable” at the bottom right.
  3. In the “Size” field you can change any of the preset options to specify either a size magnifier (2.2x for 2.2 times the current size); or you can enter a custom width (321w for 321 pixels wide); or a custom height (321h for 321 pixels high).
  4. IMPORTANT – this is where I ran into trouble with it not working – you have to at minimum move your cursor into the “Suffix” field, or simply get into the habit of entering a suffix for your custom size.
  5. Then select your Format and click to Export.

Step number 4 was where I ran into trouble with what otherwise was intuitive when I explored around, noticing that there were presents in the Size dropdown for options with a w and an h after them.  It seems if you do not move your cursor out of the Size field, that size will not be recognized by Sketch and Sketch will simply export what was there before you changed the size.  And the only place to more your cursor when Exporting is into the Suffix field.

Happy Sketching.  Share your comments if you have them.

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